The Ducote Family

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Ella Bean-20 months!

Can't believe that Ella is getting so close to is right around the corner now which is just crazy to think about!  She continues to be a happy, fun and fiesty little one!  She is definitely a busy little bee, too, and loves running around the house with Joseph, jumping on the couches, jumping over the couches, jumping on the bed-you get the idea!  Busy!  Some fun facts about her from the past month:
-She continues to love the water and the pool!  It has been so much fun with her this summer (well with both kids) and much easier than anticipated especially with all of the fabulous toddler pools in The Woodlands.  
-Some days she needs us to go into her bedroom 2 or 3 times before she falls asleep for nap or bedtime and often when we go in we'll find her blankets and animals all out of her crib as well as her pacifiers which we often find as far as the door-she has got quite an arm on her!  
-She will let us know if she has gone to the bathroom in her diaper by pointing to her diaper and saying something that resembles "diaper."  She likes sitting on the potty but hasn't gone yet.
-We've used timeouts with her a few times and she totally gets it now.  Last week she came up to me and hit her and I told her to go sit in timeout and she went over, sat down in the spot that I used the time before with her and waited until I came over.  I was pretty impressed.
-She can put on quite a good show if she doesn't get her way. Last week I was at a store with both kids and she wanted candy from the checkout aisle and I told her "no" and she was not a happy was quite a scene but I stayed strong and didn't give in.  
-She is talking more-still not a ton but definitely making progress so we are happy with that.  She can definitely communicate whatever she wants and always does so with a lot of attitude!  She mimics so much of what Joseph does and has gotten really good at "Yo ho ho" lately!   She definitely keeps us laughing throughout the day.
-She plays with her animals/dolls a lot and loves giving them the paci or bundling them up in blankets
We are having some issues with our camera and I am so bummed that this came out her smile though!  
She definitely loves her Daddy!  (and vice versa of course!)
 She is tickling him
 LOVE this picture of them!!
 I was touching up my toes and she insisted on her toes being painted so here is her first pedicure!  She loves looking at them and showing them to people.  
 She really enjoys running around the house naked, especially after bathtime. Here she is in all of her glory!
And she loves dressing up!!

Here she is showing off her muscles!
Love you sweet Ella!!!  

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