The Ducote Family

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Charlotte Grace-15 months!

Sweet baby Lar Lar turned 15 months on December 3rd...she seems to be moving further and further away from the baby stage and closer to the toddler stage every day.  It's bittersweet for sure but so fun to watch her grow.  She is super sturdy on her feet, able to express her needs and wants (not through talking but a lot of grunts, pointing, yelling, etc) but she does have a solid vocabulary for this age as well.  She is taking one nap a day which depends on the day as to how long she'll sleep for and is  still pretty consistent with sleeping through the night.  I'm still nursing her int he mornings and to get her down for her nap and bedtime but thinking this may be the last month-just want to get through the travel at the end of the month-we'll see! She has learned that she can pinch or hit her siblings and get a pretty good reaction out of them and we all have trouble disciplining her not to because she's just so dang cute and we normally end up in laughter.  It's no wonder why she'll probably rule the roost as she grows!  
She is still into everything!! Reaching for anything, destroying whatever the other kids are into, trying to break through the baby gate and climb the stairs, using markers where they are not supposed to be used as well as still putting things in her mouth, not so much little pieces but more things like soap and sucking on toothpaste or things along those lines.  
She is stubborn and independent wanting to do many things by herself and always wanting to keep up with the big kids.  For example she refused the sippy cup one day wanting to only drink out of a regular cup like the rest of the kids and finally once I gave in, she was so pleased!  
She keeps us laughing for sure!  This past month she learned to scare us with a fake snake and we all got such a kick out of her running up to us with the snake and then having it pretend to bite us, then watching her erupt into giggles while we scream.  Pretty cute!  If you ask her what her name is, she'll reply "Lar Lar".  She also has four stuffies (which are all little blankies) that she likes to sleep with at night-somehow this happened in the past month or so but she loves cuddling with them and in the morning she'll pick them all up from her crib and hand them to you and then you have to pick her up-I just love their little routines even at this age!!  
Happy 15 months sweet baby girl.  We love you!!  

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