The Ducote Family

Monday, March 25, 2013


It is so fun to watch Joseph develop quite the personality-he definitely has some quirky-ness to him.  He is pretty particular about most things and we're just not sure where that comes from considering both of his parents aren't OCD or anal at all!  For example, when he goes to sleep at night, he needs the night light on, the closet door closed with the light on inside, the fan on, his frog blanket (which we keep on the floor to change him on) perfectly straight and all books and toys, clothes, etc put away.  He always goes down without a problem, but if something isn't right he will lie in his crib for a bit and then call to us and let us know what needs fixing.  As soon as we fix it then he normally falls right asleep.  Also, if he isn't perfectly happy with what he is wearing to sleep that will also need to be changed.  Recently he has said good night and then started yelling for one of us and requested socks on his feet.  He still changes outfits frequently throughout the day (although I do try to limit it as best as I can) but  always for his nap he changes into a new outfit.
He loves being naked but we make him wear boxers as much as we can...I was feeding Ella and looked over and this was my view.  
 He is pretty much obsessed with Daddy's bike helmet and bike shoes these days.  On Saturday after Rich's bike ride he went to put his helmet on and he said, "Daddy's helmet sweaty-yuk!" and he wouldn't wear it until later that day when it dried off!

 And I just had to include this-a picnic lunch with Daddy while both were taking a break from the yard work last weekend.  Too cute.

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