The Ducote Family

Friday, March 15, 2013

Hungry Boys

Rich has been craving Pizza Hut for awhile now-random, I know-but he saw a commercial for it about a week ago and hasn't stopped talking about it.  If you know Rich, I am sure you can totally visualize him talking about it incessantly...last night I caved and picked it up for him.  8 bucks for a large you can't go wrong!  Since I'm not eating dairy and wheat now (thanks Ella!) it was Joseph and Rich to take on the large pizza and sure enough they conquered it.  Joseph did have 2 pieces but Rich did most of the work and as he took the last bite with the empty box sitting in front of him, Joseph looks at Rich and says, "I guess you ate it all Daddy!"  We couldn't stop laughing-Rich just looked at him and said, "I guess you're right Joseph." J totally called him out on it! And just for the record Rich did say he didn't eat lunch but to be honest I don't believe him ;)
A few pictures after dinner

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa! The story of Rich eating the whole pizza (minus two, probably smallest, pieces) reminds me of something that happens around here every now and then. We can't wait to see you and the rest of the family at the beach this summer! Take care, Justin
