The Ducote Family

Friday, May 20, 2022

First Day of School

Big First Day of School for our Crew this year!!  Everyone, but Dad, is at Westwood this year and it will be the only year that all kids are at the same school and it is such an extra bonus that I get to go with them this year!  I was hire on as the Reading Impact Teacher this year and the position is perfect for my first year back in the education field.  I work Monday-Thursday from 8:00-12:00 so the hours are perfect since Charlotte is in TK (Transitional Kindergarten) and goes for those exact hours.  I actually don't start the Impact Job until October 1st and was asked to be a long term sub for one of the special ed resource teachers until then.  When I first agreed to the long term sub job I was under the impression that it was only  going to be for a week or two until they found someone more permanent; however, they were unable to find anyone so I ended up doing it until the Impact job started.  I liked the resource setting; however, Charlotte had to go to ESS (after school care) for the 2 hours until school ended at 2:00 and she did not like that and then I found otu that I had to pay full price for ESS which was not originally supposed to happen either but it all worked out and we survived the first six weeks.  

The kids are all happy to be back at school for full days this year and although they have to wear masks inside, at least they are able to take them off outside and hopefully the mask restrictions are lifted soon. 

The school does a "Welcome to Westwood" party the day before the first day where they find out their teachers and get popsicles.  I volunteered for most of the day but it was so fun to see friends and to find out their teachers.  Everyone is super happy with their classes.  
Cole and Ella are in the same class-yay!!!

Now the first day of school!  I always seem to forget all summer how to get all of us out the door by 7:25 but somehow it all comes back to me and we are ready to god. All five of we go! 

Joseph-5th grade Mrs. Mihalik

Ella-3rd grade Mrs. Brennan

Julia-1st grade Mrs. Wise

Charlotte-TK Mrs. Style
Sweet girls together!
All four of them walking in together!!  Isn't Charlotte's backpack amazing?!  It has a tail at the bottom!!

Charlotte seeing Sydney and Cole on the first day!  So awesome having them all together!

Ready to rock TK!
I hate that they have to wear masks but just focusing on that at least school is open this year.  
Everyone had a great day!  Well, other than Charlotte crying about ESS, but overall, I'd say it was a great start to the year!  
The Ozecks came over after the first day of school to swim and then we enjoyed ice cream courtesy of Nani and Poppa!  

Thankful for their teachers and praying for a safe and healthy school year!  

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