The Ducote Family

Thursday, April 9, 2020

This is 5!

September starts off with a bang for us with both Charlotte and Julia’s birthday so we were so excited to celebrate Julia’s 5th birthday on Sunday, September 8th! Jules had been counting down to her birthday for about 6 months now, asking regularly how many days until her birthday so to say she had been looking for it is definitely an understatement. We had told her that we were going to celebrate with a party for her and Charlotte at Nani and Poppa’s the following weekend so that on her birthday we’d go to church and then do something fun but hadn't decided what yet. She woke up that morning so excited and after getting dressed in her "beautiful birthday dress" she was ready to look for her birthday presents, which she requested to be hidden. She found them all but was only allowed to open one in the morning and had to wait until the rest for Nani and Poppa that night. She didn't seem to mind though because she opened the LOL doll set that she was hoping for and was thrilled! After opening her present, we shared with her the surprise that we were on our way to Legoland!!! We had the best day and she loved every minute of it! Legoland was awesome-it wasn't crowded at all and we got to do everything we wanted to do. She got a birthday pin and loved the extra attention of the employees wishing her happy birthday throughout the day. 
Birthday girl ready for an awesome day! She went on her first rollercoaster today and was a bit nervous but loved it! 
Daddy and his girls!
Joseph somehow convinced her to do the Lego Ninjago ride first...she's such a sweetie that she agreed to it. 
The day really worked out perfectly-at times here were rides that Joseph and Ella were only tall enough to go on so they would do those and Julia, Charlotte and I would find different rides in the vicinity that they could go on.  There was one point when Julia was upset about a ride that she couldn't go on so I broke down and let her play a game and she won this pink and purple llama which she affectionately named "llama bama" and has been attached to ever since.  
We were home from Legoland in time for dinner which consisted of pizza and no broccoli (her choice!). Nani and Poppa came over for dinner and and LOL doll cake which made the day even more special and she got to open the rest of her presents. She was so excited about everything and I definitely think it was an amazing day for her! Julia has the kindest heart and we are so proud of her. She is always putting others first-there are countless situations where she sacrifices what she wants so others (specifically her siblings) can have their way. We love this about her but also want her to be sure that she has to stand up for what she believes in and shouldn't always give in to others. The kids, even Charlotte, know that she can be persuaded easily and sometimes use this to get what they want. She just has the sweetest heart. In the mornings she always comes in and says good morning and gives big hugs. She loves following her schedule that she made for herself and often checks things off her schedule before even coming to say good morning-like getting dressed, doing her hair and brushing her teeth; although those things normally just happen on the weekend because this girl loves her sleep and on the weekdays I am having to carry her out of bed and downstairs still asleep to get her to eat breakfast and ready for school. She is the best sleeper of the bunch. She is loving TK so far, other than being so sleepy from it, and we are hopeful that it is going to be the best experience for her. She is also playing soccer for the first time this season and is excited about it...she isn't the most aggressive on the field, but she tries hard and is a good listener to her coach. She is still really enjoying gymnastics and is moving up quickly through the levels and is at the SuperCricket level currently. At home she loves to listen to music, play with LOL dolls, play school with Ella, dance and put on shows and draw. She is everyone's friend and people really do love being around her. She continues to lead our nightly prayers and always has a prayer to add and just has this love for Jesus that is so neat to watch. She was so excited to learn this year that Mary's Saint day is on her birthday and loved this connection with Mary. We love you so much Julia Ann, you truly do have a heart of gold. 
Julia cried that night when she went to bed-she was exhausted from a full day but she genuinely was so sad that her birthday was over. She said to me amongst tears, " I don't want my birthday to be over-it's my favorite day of the year." She is such a sweet, sweet soul. Thankfully her birthday was extended for one more day since she celebrated her birthday in school on Monday. Although she was still upset Monday morning about her birthday being over and it not coming back again for 365 more days, at least I was able to cheer her up a bit by reminding her that she was going to celebrate it at school and that Bridget was coming over after school for a birthday playdate. That made it a little bit better. 
These two are just the sweetest of friends! They had the best time together after school. 

I have to include this picture, too.  On Friday, September 6th, Julia's name was called out at Friday Flag for her birthday over the weekend so she got to stand up in front of the school.  She was so excited and I'm so glad that I was able to be there for it!
We can't wait to see what your 5th year has in store for you! 

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