The Ducote Family

Saturday, April 18, 2020

October Routine

Fall is here!  It may not feel like it but all of the activities point in that direction so we are going with it!  All sorts of fun this month-I'll do the next post about all of the fall fun we're having so here is just the normal day to day fun!    
 Soccer is in full swing so the week seems full with practices on Wednesday and then games all day Saturdays, but we love it and wouldn't want it any other way.  They are all having fun seasons and enjoying it.  Loving their pictures!

Charlotte still really looks forward to soccer and is having a blast while she is there.  She is a good listener and pays attention really well.  
 And, she loves to celebrate her goals!
 We randomly went to Seaport Village one Sunday afternoon to walk around and then to grab dinner at the Spaghetti Factory downtown. Seaport Village was decorated with beautiful pumpkins and fall foliage so it felt festive, even though it was warm!
 We changed it up one Friday afternoon and went to our old cul de sac to play, instead of the Laugesen's street, and the bus driver stopped and wanted to see if we wanted to check the bus out.  Of course, the kids all hopped on! 

We stayed at Botero for dinner that night and then even went into the Vuongs and the kids watched a movie and the adults chatted in their sun room.  Such a nice way to end the week!  
 The girls are loving gymnastics!
 Random splits in the middle of the kitchen.
 Looking fresh after a haircut.
 Charlotte and I are still doing a lot of running and post run selfies together.
 We met up with Nani and Finn at the park one day for lunch and to play. 
Last month when the WW club campout was held Rich had promised the kids that they would sleep on the trampoline, but we ended up getting home so late from the campout and the kids were all so tired that they decided to wait a bit.  They decided on a night in October and there was so much excitement.  Charlotte was not invited on the outdoor sleepover but had her own sleepover with me in my bed!  They lasted outside until a little before midnight when Rich said everyone was freezing so brought them all in.  Without having a tent/tarp above them the dew and cold air was really seeping in on them but nobody seemed to mind and all slept much better in their own beds!
Julia ready for the sleepover.  
Julia drew this picture for Daddy after the sleepover
 A beautiful fall day in October at the WW club. 
 All excited about her Westwood shirt to wear to school the next day. 
 Here are some fun photos that Nani has sent from this month's adventures: 
Playing uno with Daddy.
 There is a playgroup once a week at the Westwood club that I took Julia and Charlotte to weekly last year.  I was thinking that Charlotte would be too old for it this year since it is advertised for 2 year olds but after talking to a friend who is in charge of it, we decided to check it out.  She appeared to love it and had a great time; however, the following week I asked her if she'd rather go to the gym or to the playgroup and she said the gym and hasn't wanted to go back since...oh well! 
 Another crazy hair day at school...this time Julia wanted the cupcake on her head! 
 Charlotte, the baby, loves to play pretend.  We play family all day long most days!
Sometimes Julia joins in on the fun, too.
So...the following pictures are not just cute selfies of Jules and I, although she does love herself some selfies, but these are from a very special afternoon when Julia decided to stick a bead up her nose!  She was at Nani's for the afternoon since it was Thursday and I was volunteering and at church school and I got a text from my mom about her dropping the girls off and she mentioned that Julia "might have" stuck a bead up her nose.  Eeek! I was getting ready to go to my prayer group at church school so I had my group say a prayer for Julia but I really didn't think too much of it.  When Nani and Poppa brought Julia home I figured I should probably check just in case...and sure enough I saw a white bead up there.  She didn't have a good reason as to why she put it up there, just that she did.  Rich came home from work and he gave it a good try with his tweezers but it wasn't coming out so off to urgent care we went!  Ahhhh!  Joseph was supposed to be at the Westwood Club for a friend's birthday so we dropped him off there and Nani and Poppa stayed with Ella and Charlotte at home.  Julia was nervous but she was a trooper.  The nurse suggested we try blocking one side of the nostril and then blowing into her mouth which she said normally causes them to come out but in her case it was only going from one side of her nose to the other. I got a little nervous after 3 tries from the nurse with a tool that looked like a little balloon and she couldn't get it out and she told us that if the dr couldn't get it out that she'd have to go to the hospital and go under, but thankfully once the dr came in he got it out.   Phew!!!  I don't think Julia will ever do that again as all of the blowing, prodding and pulling on her nose was not fun for her, but it will be a good story!
As we were pulling out of the driveway, Ella was so sweet and came running out to the car with Kitty for Julia which was such a thoughtful and great idea on Ella's part.  It definitely helped Julia to have Kitty with her.
 Bead out!!!  Phew!
 We are still having beautiful days so continuing to enjoy Nani and Poppa's pool!
Along with the Westwood club a few days after school.
And, so much trampoline fun still.
 Rich ran in a random race in Escondido one Sunday morning so went up to cheer him on.  Then I ran home so it worked out perfectly for both of us!
 Joseph had soccer practice one week on a Monday so the girls and I hung at the club while he practiced since we weren't juggling the other practices.  We played some mini golf and took some crazy pictures.  Love these girls!
 Charlotte and I took Nani to the airport one morning so stopped at the park downtown to play for a bit!
 I think I took this picture to send to Will for his monthly birthday...sweet kiddos!
 Sweet moments!
 Hanging at the park one day...
Another Friday hanging at the Laugesens.
And, some random photos from the month...
Random Saturday morning craziness before soccer
To finish out the month, I thought this was so cool!  We woke up one morning to the clouds sitting right on top of the lake, below our yard.  

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