The Ducote Family

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Charlotte is 2!!

Char Char, Lar, Lars, Baby Charlotte, Baby can this girls be 2?!?  I mean seriously, wasn't she just born yesterday? And, today she is a very independent, very full of joy, and a good amount of spunk 2 year old!!  
Here is a snapshot of Charlotte at age 2:  
-She weighs 28 pounds, 10.5 ounces which is the 50-75th percentile and is 34 1/4 inches long which is also in the 50-75th percentile.  
-Loves the Baby Shark song.  Actually, she doesn't just love it, she is full on obsessed with it.  Requests it every.single.time that we are in the car or whenever she can get her hands on my phone.  Obsessed!
-She is quite the big girl.  She no longer wants to sit in the high chair and basically wants to do everything that the the big kids do, which sometimes means that she isn't the best influence for others.  I'm afraid that she is going to teach Finn a thing or two-I caught her on the counter getting a banana one day when he was over and he was just watching her with a look on his face that said, "Wow, Char!!!"  We've also caught her on the kitchen table a few times recently as well as the bathroom counters.  She also doesn't like to be buckled in the stroller anymore and often will try to climb out of it or at least sit on the very front edge, which makes walking to school somewhat of a hot mess.  She is busy!  I will say though that she is a good listener and doesn't test limits dangerously (such as running into the street) and although she does test my limits sometimes she normally can be redirected and reasoned with which is pretty awesome for a 2 year old.  
-Thinking that she is so big also allows her to think that she is so independent.  She likes to dress herself which includes crocs only, some days with socks but most days without, and she is very particular about her hair which mostly means that she doesn't want anything in it so basically she looks like a hot mess every day.  Cute, hot mess, but still a hot mess.  
-Snacks/Food.  She pretty much loves all everything that she can get her hands on.  She is a great eater and can throw down anything from a lot of broccoli to yogurt to a lot of ice cream, too.  She has been waking up inn the middle of the night recently and coming into our bed with us (she does not do well at the "cry it out" method and I am tired!!) so, anyways, one night she woke up around midnight so I brought her into bed.  At 2:30 a.m. I hear her saying, "Momma, Momma" and I roll over and she is standing next to me holding a yogurt and says, "Yogurt?"  I about died!!  Half asleep I carried her back in the kitchen to put it away and she started asking for a banana.  Thankfully I was able to convince her to settle with some ice and water but the kids were all cracking up the following morning when I told them the story!!  
-She has recently started referring to me as "mama, mommy".  The kids rarely call me mommy so whenever she says it I always smile.  
-She is talking a lot!!!  And the majority of it is pretty understandable so we are hopeful that we'll be in the clear with speech therapy for her ;), but only time will tell!  She is really good at stringing a lot of words together to make sentences that really make sense without the use of pronouns or prepositions-you can definitely have a conversation with her and know what she is talking about.  
-She LOVES, LOVES, LOVES her siblings!!  And they are so great with her, well, I mean we all joke around that she is kind of crazy but only in a joking way and there is only love for her.  I have loved watching her relationships develop with each of the other kids.  Her and Julia can play for hours together, with the most popular recently being puppy or family while Ella and Joseph are both great with her but play more with her if all 4 are playing together or take on more of a motherly/fatherly role with her.   All so sweet to watch.
-Charlotte gives the best hugs-really squeezes tight and snuggles in.  The best.
Her birthday fell on Labor Day this year so we had the day off which was great!  We had a relaxing morning at home, playing and hanging out and then went to Lake Miramar, where she loves to feed the ducks.  We are doing a joint birthday party with Julia next week with all of the family so will celebrate more then.  
 Happy birthday girl with her carseat turned around to face the front!! Yay!!!
Feeding the ducks with everyone after running/biking around.  
 Joseph has a soft spot for her and she has a sweet spot for him, too.
There are a ton of the following pictures but I had a hard time deleting them since I'd look at each one and decide I loved one of their facial expressions or something along those lines so just decided to keep them all in!  
At this point she decided she was over pictures...
but, I was able to bribe her for a few more!  
 She was so excited to open her presents!  She especially loved her Barbie and guitar!
 And, she really loved the cake!!  She totally understood that it was her birthday and has been singing to herself for the past few weeks...she'll say "ha eee to mee, ha eee to me" and then even pretend to blow out candles.  She had a little help from Ella with blowing out her real candles but she totally got it and was super excited about it!
Happy birthday to our sweet 2 year old!  We can't wait to see how much you grow and develop this year and are so thankful that you are part of our family.  You are special and bring so much joy to our lives.  We love you Lar!!  

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