On February 8th, this little doll turned 6 months! Half a year already!
Julia continues to be such a sweet, laid back baby although she is definitely getting busier! On February 23rd she officially became able to sit by herself for extended periods of time without toppling over. She is working really hard on trying to crawl and we have caught her a few times trying to get up on her knees. She is able to get around really well by rolling and scooting on her belly but we aren't officially calling that crawling (only because I'm in denial that she is at the age to do so already but she can definitely move from one end of the room to the other). She is saying "mamamama" regularly and a bunch of other babbling sounds. She is still sleeping in our room in the pack and play at nights (and waking up at least once a night) but we are getting ready to move her after our last round of visitors for awhile in the middle of March so hoping that her seventh month brings a full nights sleep! She continues to nap mostly in the swing, although on March 3rd she did take her first nap in the pack and play in our room, but it didn't last long and when I can get close to 2 hours from her in the swing I think we'll continue to stick with it for a bit longer.
We had her 6 month appointment on March 23rd (two weeks past her 6 month birthday due to March being a busy month) but she weighed in at 18 pounds, 7 ounces and is 26.5 inches long. That puts her in the 82nd percentile for weight and 64th percentile for height. We reintroduced rice cereal to her right after her 6 month birthday but she broke out into an awful diaper rash so I stopped it again but come to find out at her appointment it was actually a yeast infection, not just a diaper rash, so we got the green light for the rice cereal/solid foods and even were encouraged to introduce table foods mashed into very small pieces. Other than the yeast infection the pediatrician said that she looked great!!
She loves to be tickled and laughs a lot. Joseph and Ella are great at making her laugh especially when Joseph sings the spiderman song or the monkey in a tree song to her and both Joseph and Ella dance in front of her. She is definitely loved by her older siblings!! She has the cutest little facial expressions and her hair is starting to grow in more, although it is definitely darker on the top and sides giving her a Marine look as we call it. Her big brown eyes just sparkle and her long lashes are going to melt a few hearts I'm sure in the future. As always, here are too many pictures from her 6 month photo shoot:
LOVE this one!!
Six month old selfies!
And, a little naked love before the bath on her 6 month birthday! It doesn't get much cuter than this!!
Here are some random ones from the past month:
Sitting pretty on February 18th
Thinking she is such a big girl playing in the play room on February 24th
Smiling at Mama while trying to break out of the swing while she is supposed to be napping on February 25th
Playing in Joseph's teepee on February 25th
Ready for rodeo day with Joseph on March 2nd
She has also hit the stage where the door stoppers are fun to play with
and the first time she did it my heart totally melted remembering Joseph
and Ella also doing the same thing.
Sweet picture in the ergo on March 4th
Hanging in the kitchen on March 5th
Ready to read on March 6th
We love you sweet girl! Happy 6 month birthday!
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