The Ducote Family

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Joseph turns 3!

So far we are loving the age of 3!  We still can't believe that Joseph is 3 but we do just love his  personality, independence, conversations that we have with him and the big boy that he is becoming.  His energy, enthusiasm and love for everything (especially sports or firefighter related) is contagious and we are so thankful for him and all of the joy that he brings to our lives.  He continues to be an amazing older brother and really looks out for Ella already.  Their love and concern for one another is so genuine and just so wonderful to watch.  He keeps us laughing constantly and I find myself trying to control my giggles especially when having to discipline him at times.  He definitely has some quirky personality traits (we think he got both of mommy and daddy's OCD gene as he is pretty particular about certain things.)  He LOVES to play football, baseball and soccer.  And when I say LOVE I really mean LOVE.  We spend most days tackling, trying to tackle, throwing, kicking, hitting the ball-either outside or inside-sometimes with a ball or sometimes pretending.  He continues to be pretty concerned about what he wears.  He likes to wear shorts (every day, all day) but is pretty good about putting pants on if it cold when we go out; however, he does normally keep the shorts on underneath.  Football jerseys are his normal shirt!  He is very talkative and outgoing.   He isn't a huge temper tantrum kind of kid (although does have them every now and then) but his whining has increased the past few months, normally with some redirection it stops though.  He still is working on sharing and he can definitely cause a little bit of trouble when playing with friends...all typical for his age and for being "all boy!"  He has been sleeping in the guest room for the past month ever since we noticed a crack in his ceiling due to a small leak in the roof.  He is particular about leaving his door open at night and the closet light on.  He sleeps with the pillow that I made for him and normally likes to have a stuffed animal but it doesn't matter which one (although panda bear or polar bear seem to be the favorites).  For the past few months he comes down into our bedroom 2-3 times during the week.  When it first started happening Rich would take him back up and then stay with him to get him back to sleep but lately we've just been letting him stay...figure this won't last forever and quite honestly we're too tired in the middle of the night to bring him back!  Thank goodness for our king sized bed!  
Our big boy on his third birthday!

Here are a few more fun tidbits about Joseph at age 3. 

At age 18 months I started "Favorites" with him for his half and real birthdays-here are his responses for his third birthday.  His answers are in quotes and my "notes" are in parenthesis.
Favorite sayings-Here are a few of his fun sayings:  
-At bedtime or naptime as we are leaving his room he still says, "I want to go to the park, play baseball, play football and go fishing."  Which he says all really fast.  
-He talks constantly about being Josh (the main character, a football player, from the movie Air Bud) and about football players.  He often pretends that he is going to either Washington (where Josh lives) or to Minnesota to see Adrian Peterson (a football player.)  
-If he asks a question and we tell him "I don't know" he will say to us "Think about it."  
-And, this isn't a favorite but he is definitely into the "poopie" and "pee" talk these days.  
 Favorite food-"Spaghetti"  (He continues to be a pretty good eater.  He pretty much eats anything and we love that he asks for Boca Burgers (garden burgers) some nights.  He loves fruit more than his veggies but will scarf down a plate of broccoli some days.  His lunch staple is peanut butter and jelly though and really hard to deviate from this. )
 Favorite friends-"Claire and James"  (He still really gravitates to older kids.  If the older boys from our group are around he will try to hang with them and thankfully they are normally really good with them. At school he talks about Carson and Vivi Rose the most.)
Favorite color-"I like blue"
Favorite number-"Three is my favorite number"  (He can count to ten without a problem and almost to twenty-still mixes them up every now and then but has all of the numbers there at least!)
 Favorite animal-"Tigers, roarrr"  (He continues to love dogs!  We play with Jake and Ollie, our neighbor's dogs, as much as we can and he loves throwing the tennis ball to them)
 Favorite song-"Take me out to the ball game"  (I melt every time that he sings this to Ella-this is his go-to song for her when she is crying.  He was obsessed with christmas songs this Christmas.  I can't tell you how many times we have sang Rudolph or Santa Claus is Coming to Town.)
Favorite thing to do outside-"Play soccer ball"  (I mentioned earlier that he loves playing football, baseball and soccer-inside the house, outside the house, at morning, at night, whenever!  We still take advantage of the park behind our house frequently and he enjoys riding his bike or running to it)
Favorite drink-"Water and milk" (That's pretty much all he drinks with the occasional juice box thrown in there)
Favorite book-"Nick Plays Baseball" (This is a library book that we check out almost every time we go.  Joseph continues to love being read to and definitely has his favorites.  For his birthday he received three firefighter books from Nona and Pop Pop and "Big Frank's Fire Truck" has been the favorite since he opened it.)  

 We celebrated after his nap on his birthday since Daddy had to go to his work Christmas party that night.  Mommy skipped the party since Daddy got a new job so this was his last event with the old company and we didn't feel that I needed to be there since he was moving on.  So we had to do presents and cupcakes a little early instead of after dinner but it worked out great and Joseph was excited to come down after his nap to all of his presents!
 A new Army football jersey from Mom and Dad and lots of other fun gifts including a soccer net for the backyard from Nani and Poppa.
And his big boy third birthday gift from us was his big boy bike!  He loves it and has really been doing a great job with it. 

 Getting ready to blow out the candles!  
I am pretty sure that his teachers taught him to do "3" this way.  Rich or I didn't teach him but we were pretty impressed when he showed us.  He had a tough time doing it the other way and totally loves showing everyone he is "3" this way!  Thanks to Nona and Pop Pop for the awesome firefighter costume and to Aunt Gina, Uncle Brian and boys for the firefighter boots.  He wears it every day and has even started wearing his snorkel mask that he got for Christmas with is as the firefighter mask.
Happy Birthday big boy!  We are so thankful for you and can't wait to see what your third year has in store for you.  We love you!

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