The Ducote Family

Monday, May 13, 2013

Single digits

I'm trying to catch up on blogging so figured I would clump the single digit days of May together.  We've had a busy and fun beginning of the month.  
Big news is that our little one is now mobile...Ella finally made it over the hump of just hanging out on her side and rolled over on May 3rd and once she started hasn't stopped.  Every time we put her down now she ends up on her stomach and actually likes the view from there so it is all good.  On May 6th she started sleeping on her stomach which of course freaked momma out but by now I am used to it, although I still do check on her probably more than I need to!  Also, in these first ten days of May she has mastered the art of going down by herself in her crib-a little bit of fussing and she is out for both naps and at night. As of now her routine is to eat at 7:30, then go to bed, then I feed her around 10 and then she is up at 2ish and fights it a little bit since I am holding strong and not feeding her and then back down and then she is up between 4-5 to eat and then back down till around 8.  Still wish her older brother would sleep past 5:30 but we are doing much better than the beginning of April so we are getting there!
Here are some pictures from the first ten days of May:
 "I'm rolling Momma!"
 Joseph has kept us laughing these first few days of May, too.  Most mornings he has a huge poop in his diaper and last weekend Daddy asked him, "Joseph, why do you have such a big poop in the morning?" and Joseph replied, "Daddy, because I ate too much food."  Couldn't argue with that one.  He has taken a liking to napping on the floor and about half of the time I find him out of his bed on the floor...had to document it!  Funny boy!
Not that it is any different any other month because we are always at the park (love having it right behind our house!) but we have spent an extra amount of time outside so far this month knowing that summer is right around the corner and the hours outdoors will be limited (ugh, as much as I love it here I am not sure if I will ever get used to-or love-the summers here-we make it work but not my favorite.)  Anyways, Ella went in the swing the first time this month and is a fan!  Well, once she got some shades!
Too bright!!  
 Auntie Carrie to the rescue!!  I think I have a picture of myself around this age with glasses on and we look identical-I am going to have to find it!
And some fun in the swings with big brother!

 Over the first weekend we drove the 112 mile bike route for Daddy's triathlon on the 18th.  Joseph was not impressed!
 However, Rich and I thought the scenery was gorgeous.  There are some rolling hills throughout the ride which will make it a bit challenging, especially in the close to 90 degree weather and high humidity that is predicted for race day, but we are positive that Daddy is going to do awesome!  He has been training on the course but the farthest that he had ridden was 50 miles (since he has been going out and back) so we wanted to ride the rest of the course since it is a loop course.  We are getting so excited for race day!
 We also celebrated one of Joseph's buddies' birthdays the first weekend in May.  
 Uncle Paul sent Joseph an awesome package filled with baseball fun!  It seriously made Joseph's day (well, week so far) and we are so appreciative. With Poppa working for the NFL and Uncle Paul for Major League Baseball he is set!  
 Thanks Uncle Paul!
Brotherly-sisterly love!
May 2, 2013
 and the love is starting to fade...

 This little dress was passed on to Ella from Abby Martin and I was so excited for Ella to wear it.  I remember Abby wearing it and just thought it was the cutest!  Thanks Abby!  Of course we had to have a photo shoot in the dress! 
 And just some crazy bedhead to round out the beginning of May!  Seriously, what an awesome way to start the day!!

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