The Ducote Family

Thursday, May 9, 2013

4 months!

Ella turned 4 months on April 22nd, 2013...a third of the way to her first birthday...tear!  4 months has been a big changer for us-I finally feel like we are getting the hang of this little girl!  She is now on a schedule (give or take a little bit), feel like we have the stomach issues under control and her sleeping at nights is getting better (still not great but definitely better.)  She slept in our closet (in the pack and play) for about a week before we moved her up to the crib-I wasn't quite ready for her to go in her own room but friends recommended not having her next to me because maybe she was waking up so frequently since I was so close.  That was better but after a week I was ready to move her upstairs and it has been a good step.  She goes down at night between 7:30 and 8 without a fuss but is still up most nights 2 times but just to eat and then back down.  Once Ironman is over we'll sleep train her but I am too tired to do it on my own right now (Joseph is still getting up around 5:15 every day so with the early wake up call and getting up in the middle of the nights I don't think I have the energy to let her cry it out right now.)  She takes cat naps in the morning while we are out and about but normally sleeps for 2-2.5 hours at about 2 p.m. which is wonderful especially since I moved Joseph's nap back to this time as well so they are both down for the same time.  That is huge in my book!  Other than that she is just such a happy baby.  Rich and I always say that she is definitely going to be a social butterfly-as long as someone is smiling at her she is all smiles back!  And her little laugh is so contagious.  
At her doctor's appointment on April 29th, she weighed in at 16 lbs, 10 ozs which is the 87th percentile and is 19 inches long which puts her in the 44th percentile.  Short and chunky-I love it!  She's so close to rolling over but still gets stuck on the side, so soon enough!
 She was looking at Joseph here-she can't keep her eyes off of him when he is close (which is basically all the time!)
 Sweet girl!
 Best buddies
Happy 4 months Ella Bean-we love you!

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