Easter 2013 was pretty low key this year but it was so nice. We got ready for Easter on Saturday by baking cookies for the Easter bunny because according to Joseph the bunny wanted to eat cookies and carrots so we had to leave both out for him. We also colored eggs and Joseph really got into both of the activities which was just so fun to watch!
Ella also joined in on the pre-Easter fun by modeling her adorable bunny outfit from Nani and Poppa.
The Easter Bunny came and although he forgot to hide our baskets and just left them in front of the fireplace he did bring some goodies for everyone and ate all of the cookies and most of the carrots. He left Joseph a note letting him know how delicious the cookies were and also to remember that the real reason of Easter isn't just about bunnies but is to remember that Jesus loves us.
Here is the video from Easter morning when J woke up-I just love at the end how he says, "I love it." He has been saying that recently along with "I love them, they're my favorite" and it just makes my day every time he says it!
Joseph just loves the big boys-seriously can't wait to be one (although we can definitely wait for him to be one!)
Rich entertaining...he is available for birthday parties :) I just love the way that the kids are looking at him-Claire is seriously in love with him and this picture pretty much sums that up!
Ella hung out and enjoyed the party with her friends Ethan and Victoria
The Kramers enjoying some baby snuggles
The kids table-seriously, how cute are they?
Our little family
Getting lined up and ready to hunt
Joseph only ended up with about 5 eggs but was totally into the hunt and was happy with what he had found
This is probably why he ended up with only 5 eggs-he tended to stop and enjoy the egg after looking for the next one.
The kids checking out their loot!
An attempt to get all of the moms (and Claire!)
And finally, our Easter bunny cake...Happy Easter!
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