The Ducote Family

Friday, September 13, 2019

Spring Break

We hung out here for spring break and just enjoyed the week off and one another and had an awesome week!! 
It was nice to be out of the school routine and just plan our days around doing fun things!
We kicked off spring break with a busy weekend of baseball, a birthday party for Ella, dinner and a party for Mr. Justin and the day in Coronado on Sunday.  
Ella and one of her sweet friends, Brianna, at Brianna's birthday party.
The kid crew at Phil's celebrating Mr. Justin's birthday!
The boy crew...
We headed to Coronado on Sunday since it was gorgeous out.  We played at the park and then made our way to the bay where the kids found all sorts of interesting creatures!
After the busy weekend we had a "relaxing" Monday at home, beginning with couch jumping and obstacle courses!  Nani took Ella to the zoo for a fun one on one day together and the other kids and I hung out at home and Joseph had baseball practice later that afternoon.
Everyone was playing nicely and Charlotte came down to show me that she had put on some lipstick. I thought this was all of it; however, about 10 minutes later I walk upstairs to find that they stepped it up a notch and really took it to the next level!
You can tell in this picture Julia was a little nervous that she was going to get into trouble!
Not Charlotte, though, she doesn't care! ha!
Then I reassured Julia that she wasn't going to get in trouble; however, I didn't want them doing this again, and she totally perked up!
Charlotte's perkiness never left her.  Nothing seems to phase her-ha!
Oh, girls, girls, girls!!
Meanwhile, Ella was loving life with Nani at the Safari Park!
On Tuesday we had our annual egg hunt with the Searcy crew and soccer friends which is always a great time! So cute watching Charlotte totally get into it this year.

On Wednesday we went to the library in the morning and then headed to the zoo to meet up with the Ozeck and Nani which was great!
Every time they ask to take a "silly picture" after a regular picture and every time someone gets on the floor.  I have no idea why it started but it is definitely a thing with them!

Thursday was spent at the bay with the cul de sac crew.
We actually went back to the bay on Friday with the Ozecks but it was freezing!!!!  It was super windy and the kids hung for a long time but boy was it cold!
Then we had a boy sleepover (plus Charlotte) at our house and a girl sleepover (minus Charlotte!) at the Ozecks.  So fun!! Thankfully Charlotte didn't seem to mind once she realized she had Cole and Joseph to herself!
On Saturday we were at baseball practice and then getting ready fro Easter the following day!  There will be another post on that.  I just love being on break with these kiddos and seeing them play together.  They had sleepovers almost every night in one another's bedrooms and really just get along so well together (other than the occasional picking on Julia...sweet Jules...always the one to be picked on.)Back to the routine after Easter but I am grateful for this week with them!

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