The Ducote Family

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Odds and Ends of July

 July flew by in a flash.  Needless to say, after the news about the move to California at the beginning of the month, putting the house on the market, and the trip to NYC and Myrtle Beach, it was BUSY!  It seemed like it was basically a month of organizing, packing, unpacking, and then repacking but thankfully we were able to squeeze in a good amount of time with friends and fun before we left on August 1st for our new adventure.
 Here are the odds and ends from July:
July 1st-Julia is getting so big! She insists on standing only in the bath now and she is developing personality of quite the little firecracker, where if she doesn't get her way she will definitely let you know, so most nights she ends up standing!
 A little downtime together with the iPad.
 Ella leading the way on our walk around the lake on July 5th.
 Joseph with a wide mouthed gecko at the park.  Look at that sweaty head!
 Napping with Daddy later that day.
 Hanging at the splash pad with Olivia on July 6th after boot camp.
 Waving bye.
 She's so sweet!!
 Just another day with Supergirl!  (Notice that the playroom is back upstairs after staging the house to sell it)
 Ella, in the background, makes me laugh from this picture.  Don't mind her-she was just practicing forward rolls.
 Celbrating Kannon's 1st birthday at Alden Bridge pool with friends on July 8th!
Such a fun group!
We have loved watching these two grow together over the past year!  
 Some of the girls left but we grabbed a quick shot of the ones that stayed later in the day.
Our little fish!
Jumping with the boys
 Too much fun for this party girl!
 After mine and Julia's trip to NY, I came home to another huge crop of cucumbers that Joseph and Ella picked.  These things really took off this year!
 On July 13th, the photographer came to our house after dinner to take pictures to put it on th market so I took the kids to the village center for ice cream and to play at the park while Rich stayed with the realtor.  It was a perfect, still a little warm, summer night.
 Umm, Julia, can you get any cuter?!
Running off that ice cream!
 Just chillin'
 Joseph had to stop his bike and swing on the vine on the way home-totally made his night.
 Sitting pretty on July 14th.
 She is doing this new thing of burything her head into the ground, or something on the ground, and just lying there for a minute or so.  Love the rolls on the back of her legs.
 Getting more and more courageous each day about walking.
 A little help from her older brother.

 Waiting for Joseph and Ella as they went out to the garden.
 Fun on the slide on July 15th at Timarron park.
 Three Ducotes on a slide!
 Learning from her older brother and sister.
 Half pajamas/half skirt-she is always a hot but adorable mess!
Tanna, Jamie and I at the splash pad
 Having lunch with the babies.
 Good buddies-Joseph, Trace and Kason
 After the splash pad/park, Kolton and Kason came over to play for a bit.  I was spying on them through the glass doors-they all play so nicely together!
 On July 16th, we went to the library for a pizza dough demonstration as the culminating event for the summer reading program.  They had two employees from Dominos who had a lot of fun with pizza dough with the kids and then had a pizza party following the event.  They gave a warning at the beginning of the show about flying dough and for the parents to keep their eyes open because it could even come for them.  Well, at one point, I had my eyes on Joseph and Ella who were at the front and the next thing I knew was that a flying pizza dough saucer had landed on top of Julia's head!!  The dough split apart as it hit her head and she was just staring at me with pizza dough wrapped around her body with  look on her face as if to say, "Help!!"  She burst into tears and I know this is awful of me but I couldn't help but laugh. I mean, what are the chances that a flying pizza dough saucer ends on on my baby's head?!?  Thankfully she was easily consoled and was smiling again in a matter of seconds and I couldn't stop giggling about it for the rest of the day-so sorry Julia!!  
 Joseph underneath the dough
 Playing with the dough
Headed  out with the girls that night for a fun night out and to celebrate Leti and Jen and their upcoming babies.  
 On Friday, July 17th we headed over to the Garzas for a fun day of swimming, playing and lunch.  Emily and her kids joined us and we had a blast.
Three tired kids after a day of fun!  
 After finding out that he was going to have to put the fish in the hot garage during the open house later that day, Joseph decided that it was best to let them go back to their natural habitat so on July 19th we rode bikes back to the lake and said goodbye to the fish.
 While we had our first open house we decided to go bowling.  The family get together was that afternoon at 4:00 but we had to be out of the house at 1:30 and there was a bowling alley literally next door to the restaurant where we met our friends at, so it was perfect.  Ella had no interest in wearing the shoes so she didn't bowl but she did enjoy the pretzel and cheering the rest of us on.
 Joseph did well and had fun!
Julia wanted to crawl around everywhere but we tried to keep her contained on our laps.  
 Family bowling shoe fun...and Julia!
 Squeezed in a trip to the dentist-all looks great!
 The day before we left for Myrtle Beach we had two showings at the house so it was a perfect day to hit the pool with the Kramers and Knellers.
 We returned from Myrtle Beach on the 28th and hit up HEB later that day.  Joseph was an instant winner with the Buddy Bucks so walked out of there on top of the world with his new shades.
 I was doing some organizing in the kitchen and Joseph and Ella really wanted to make a "volcano" which consisted of mixing all sorts of spices and other random pantry items together to basically make a mess.  I had a lot of old spices that I had to get rid of so it worked out perfectly-kept them entertained and happy for almost an hour!!
 We went to the Knellers for one last time (so sad) to play on the 30th.  We have LOVED having them in Creekside Park with us and will really miss meeting up with them on such a regular basis (seriously, almost every other day) to play.
 So thankful for these friendships!
 On July 31st I taught my last BBC class.  I know I wrote about what a blessing baby boot camp has been in my previous entry but I can't say it enough.  I have loved instructing such fabulous ladies and can only hope that I have inspired, challenged and motivated a few of them along the way. I taught the 8:30 a.m. class on Friday and was so surprised that there were close to 25 moms there (normally there are less than 10)-they all came out to say goodbye which was just so awesome.  They surprised me with two huge bags of gifts for the kids and items to help with the move which was just so thoughtful of them all.  I am touched by their kindness and the community that BBC provides is simply amazing and it has been such an integral part of our family's lives these early years.
I am trying to track down a group picture from that morning so hopefully I can find it...
Julia, thinking she is one of the big kids.  I seriously think I am going to have to worry about her climbing and such-she definitely is trying to keep up with Joseph and Ella.
 A cute shot of the kiddos hanging at the splash pad after boot camp. We were so glad that so many friends could come and spend our last day with us in The Woodlands.  Love you all!!
 August is going to bring a lot of change but we are looking forward to it and excited about what the future holds for our family.

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