The Ducote Family

Monday, November 3, 2014

Julia Ann-1 month!!

Wow, that month went by fast!!  It is so hard to believe that Julia is a month old already!  She is such a sweet baby and definitely the easiest baby of our three which I am so thankful about.  She is sleeping and eating really well-between 3 and 4 hours during the day and at night which I think is pretty typical for this age.  The first few weeks she needed a little bit of rocking or walking to get back to sleep but recently she just eats, gets changed and is back down.  She poops and burps like a man but you can tell that they make her feel so good :)  During the day she is SO chill-she'll fall asleep in the swing (which I'm pretty sure Joseph nor Ella ever did) and we honestly haven't once had to put our dinner down and walk or rock her once which we definitely did many nights with the older two who always seemed to needed to be held during dinner!!  She likes the pacifier which helps her to fall asleep and if she starts to fuss a bit and isn't hungry that does the trick!  She is SO loved by her older siblings and they really have been great with her.  Ella will tell me every once in awhile "down" when walking by the swing but it really has been a very smooth transition.  I think the fact that I am getting a decent amount of sleep, Daddy working from home, Joseph and Ella being good helpers and Julia being an easy baby has definitely made the transition from 2 to 3 easier than 1 to 2 for me.
We are just so happy that this sweet little pea is part of our family and it just feels like she has been here forever.
There are a ton of pictures!!  I should do a collage but that is one more step and I am already so far behind that I am just going to post them all...I just love all of her little faces and want to keep them all for the blog book!  Although I mentioned above that I do think that the transition to 3 has been easier than 2, I definitely feel like half of the time I am running around with my head cut off and often forget things.  For example, Julia received the adorable monthly stickers from a gift (thanks Aunt Cindy!) which I totally forgot to put on her until I found them a week later in the drawer.  Maybe for her second month pictures I'll get them on her :)  
Here she is though, 1month old!  
Love her smiles!
She has a serious side, too :)
And a mischievous side! 
 And a party side :)
 LOVE this one!!!  Sisters!
In the next one I feel like she is saying,  "I'm not so sure about being the little sister!"
 Sister selfie!  (Not really but doesn't it look like Ella is taking it!)
 And the rest are just a bunch of random ones from her first month that didn't make it into the blog yet.
September 23rd
 Out for a walk on September 24th
 Hanging with mommy on September 25th
 I sent this picture to Daddy saying, "Don't her nostrils look like hearts?"  Right?!?  
 More sisterly love!
 September 28th
 Bathtime on September 29th.  She LOVES the bath!
 October 1st
October 2nd
October 3rd
 October 5th
 October 6th morning photo shoot

October 6th evening photo shoot

 October 7th
So strong!  She tolerates tummy time for a bit...
 What an amazing first month it has been!  Love you sweet Julia!

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