The Ducote Family

Thursday, July 2, 2020

The Woodlands Getaway

Our trip to The Woodlands brings mixed emotions for me.  We had planned this trip back in November when I decided that I wanted to run a full marathon since I turned 40 this year-Rich was on board and we decided both to run it.  He created a training plan for me and I had been feeling great.  I never skipped a training run and would alternate between doing my runs outside or on the treadmill at the gym if Charlotte was with me.  I was feeling strong and was hoping for sub 8:30 minute miles for the race and felt like I was on target to achieve that.  Until my last week of my real training before the taper began I noticed a slight pain in my left upper hamstring/lower butt after a run on Sunday.  I had a rest day on Monday and it felt fine and then Tuesday was my very last day of speedwork.  I was doing it on the treadmill at the gym and was flying-I was feeling really good until the end when all of a sudden that pain came back but hurt even more right in the middle of my right butt cheek.  It wasn't so painful that it stopped me as I was able to run through it but after I finished I immediately started limping.  It felt deep and was so sore.  That night I was stretching, rolling it out, debating about ice or heat and by the next morning I could barely walk.  After 10 days or trying acupuncture, stretching and just about anything else I went to the doctor's where he believed that I tore my piriformis.  It made sense as I had all of the symptoms associated with that.  At first I was hopeful that I'd still be able to run but as the days crept closer to race day and after the diagnosis I knew that I was going to have to sit it out.  I was disappointed for sure and had a big cry one night as I was putting the kids to bed and had tears in my eyes a few times on our visit but overall am proud of the training that I put in and was excited to have a weekend away to cheer Rich on and to visit with old friends.  And, what a special weekend it was!!  Our friends in The Woodlands are so dear to us and are truly lifelong friends.  
I took this picture after my second 20 miler run at Lake Miramar-I was feeling so good!
Katelyn was such a help sending me PT exercises to do. She had me test it out by seeing if I could place my leg flat on the table and I couldn't (see the space between my right leg and the table...not a good sign.). 
On our way!  We fit this trip in the week before the country shut down for the coronavirus pandemic.  It was a little nervewracking flying but we were sure to wipe everything down and wash our hands really well.  One week later and the trip would have been cancelled, which is crazy to think.  
We landed on Friday afternoon and picked up our rental car which ended up being upgraded to a Camaro so we drove around in style all weekend long!!  
We then stopped at the Byers on our way north.  We were able to see Will during his physical therapy and chat with Tim-Val and Sam were at a Girl Scout meeting, but was so nice to see the boys.
After checking into the hotel and picking up Rich's race packet we met the Enias and the Kramers for dinner.  Oh, so great to see them all.  Jason was also running the full and Jamie surprised us with news that she was running the half so made for even more excitement!  We headed back to the hotel and had a great night's sleep-so great, that I slept in until 7 the next morning (my alarm was set for 6 p.m. by mistake) so I frantically rushed around since I was supposed to be at the cheer tent by 7:30.  It all worked out and I was just a few minutes late.  Eve, Leti and their kids were both at the cheer tent so it was so fun to catch up with them.  Rich had an amazing race and flew by us and it was so fun to see other familiar faces on the course, too.  Rich slowed down after he saw us but still had a great race finishing in 2:58:51.  SO fast!!!  
After the race we headed to Chuy's for margaritas and Mexican food with a massive Will Power group.  It was nice to catch up with Tim's parents and spend time with Will.  We then went back to the hotel and took a nap (haven't done an afternoon nap in forever!!) and then met up with the Byers at 5:00 mass and then we all headed to Local Pour for dinner and drinks with everyone.  It was so fun to catch up with everyone and the night was filled with so many laughs!  We're so thankful for these great friends of ours!
On Sunday we slept in and then met the Kramers and Enias for breakfast at Dosey Doe, which was such a great way to start the morning and to say goodbye to our special friends.  Rich and I then drove through Creekside Park since we wanted to see our old house and neighborhood and after one wrong turn we found it.  Love this house and all of the memories from it!  We then headed to a cute (new to us) coffee shop where we sat for a few hours and he did schoolwork and I did my Bible Study.  So relaxing!!  After our coffee break we swung by the Valoras to see Emily and their family, including their newest baby girl who was only 5 weeks old.  It was so great to catch up with them, too.  Our flight didn't leave until later that afternoon and I was in a good amount of pain from being on my feet almost the entire day before so we opted to go see a movie.  I cant even remember what movie it was (ha!) but it kept me awake and was nice to sit in big, comfortable chairs.  We then made our way down to the airport.  
We arrived home late Sunday night to a quiet house since the kids all spent the night at Nani and Poppa's for one more night.  They had the best weekend and we didn't worry once about them since we knew they were in great hands. Nani and Poppa were even in charge of the girls' first soccer games on Saturday and pictures for baseball for Joseph and his game, too.  They make it all look easy!!  Laura happened to be in town that weekend for an event so the kids were excited to see her and get together with everyone Saturday afternoon.  We're so thankful to Nani and Poppa for making this happen.  It was such a wonderful weekend but we sure were happy to see the kids Monday again! 

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