The Ducote Family

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Ella's Birthday!

Gosh, we love this girl and we can't believe that she is 7!!! She has grown up so much especially this past year and it is hard to put into words how much joy she brings to our family.  Ella's birthday fell on Sunday this year, over Christmas break, so the school celebrated her on Friday, the last day before winter break.  Her birthday was announced during Friday Flag which was a fun treat and we brought in donuts for her class.  It was a perfect way to start winter break and kick off her birthday festivities coming ahead!  

Ella is strong, confident, and wants to be heard but not in a loud or obnoxious manner.  She is so creative and is always cutting, drawing, glueing, painting or creating.  I can't tell you how many socks have been cut and containers have been made.  She likes to be a part of the crowd but also thrives on playing alone and is so comfortable in her own skin doing her own thing (the only thing that seems to truly bother her is when Joseph makes fun of her arms being hairy which we've talked about so hopefully no longer bothers her and takes place).  She is beautiful, cuddly (when she wants to be), loving, kind, such a great helper, smart (even though she doesn't realize it sometimes), a great athlete and an amazing friend, daughter and sister.  I have loved watching her relationships with Joseph, Julia and Charlotte develop especially this past year.  She and Joseph have a truly special bond.  They can spend hours with each other just talking and truly get along so well (even though I mentioned about the teasing of the arm hair earlier but that rarely happens.)  She and Julia also have a very special relationship and they can spend hours and hours in their room playing, imagining and creating and although they have different personalities they don't clash; rather they complement one another well.  And, she can baby Charlotte, which Charlotte totally eats up, but they can also play really well together and as Charlotte has gotten older I love watching all four of the play together.  Charlotte is the one who probably gets under Ella's skin the most but it is mostly because Charlotte is still in the toddler stage so just isn't at the maturity level but Ella is patient and if frustrated handles it well.  My favorite thing about Ella is that she can play with anyone-she hangs with the older boys, but she also loves spending time with girls of all ages...and everyone wants to be around her.  She has the BEST belly laugh/cackle and the thickest most beautiful long hair.  I love describing Ella with a tough outer shell but once you crack it she is the sweetest, kindest girl there is.  We just adore her and we are so proud of her!
For her birthday this year she wanted a sleepover with the Ozecks and a day with the girls getting her nails done.  We had to make some minor changes to the sleepover since the Ozecks flight was delayed so they spent the night on her birthday instead of the night leading up to it, but that ended up probably working out even better. 
She woke up on her birthday (Sunday) and we had breakfast and she opened presents.  She was a little nervous before opening up presents because Jingle was nowhere to be found...until the last present that she opened and Jingle was inside!!!!  I wish that I had gotten it on video because her reaction was priceless but we'll always have that memory!  So fun!  
She received some awesome presents including a Swiss Army Knife from Michael and John, hair chalk which was a huge hit from Nonna and Pop Pop, jeans from the Zicklers, a teal (her favorite color) wallet from Uncle Bubba and Aunt Hollie that had $5.00 inside it which she screamed so loud when she found it and a fit bit from us.  She was SO excited for all of her presents!!! 

We then went to church-we told her we have to show thanks for what an amazing birthday girl she is and she convinced me to let her wear her new jeans and Under Armour sweatshirt to church so that made it ok for her.  Directly after church we headed to Jersey Mike's for lunch with the Ozeck kids and Nani.  After lunch, Daddy took the boys and Charlotte home and Nani, Syd, Julia, Ella and myself headed to Cherry Blossom to get our nails and toes done!!  Since Ella was the birthday girl she got both done and everyone else chose either toes or nails.  It was Julia and Ella's first time and it was so special!!  

Does life get better than this?!?
Following the spa appointment we headed home for the kids to play for a bit and then celebrated with her favorite dinner (Sloppy Joes!) and ice cream cake, without any whipped cream, per her request!  It was special having Syd and Cole with us.  
We then bundled up (kind of, wasn't too chilly) and headed to Candy Cane Lane in Poway.  I remember going here growing up but this was the first time for us as a family and it was amazing!  We will definitely make this a tradition.  
Ella, we are so thankful for you and that you are in our family.  We can't wait to watch you grow this upcoming year and see all of the amazing things you do.  Happy 7th Birthday!  We love you!  

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