Sweet baby "Lar Lar" turned 5 months on February 3rd and I am still in shock that she is almost half a year old. Seriously. How did that happen?!? She seriously is the sweetest, happiest little thing around. She just goes with the flow and survives on shortened naps which are almost always on the go, being fed sometimes while also multitasking (for example: while wiping Julia after going to the bathroom!!), always having someone in her face and just being the youngest of three other fabulous, yet demanding (in a good way, of course!) older siblings. Here are way too many pictures from her 5 month photo shoot but I just love all of the different expressions so had to include them all.
Love these big open mouthed smiles!!
She is so close to sitting up on her own and this bouncy seat is almost ready to be retired!
Look at this sweet little thing.
She has the best belly laugh and just makes all of us so happy.
Charlotte had her first taste of rice cereal on January 7th and was a fan. The rumor is that the rice cereal can make babies sleep better; however it didn't help Charlotte at all, but at least she enjoys it.
We brought out the exercauser and she LOVES it!! This thing is so beat up (can you see the tape over the missing piece-ahhhh-so awful, I know!) but thankfully isn't playing with the tape (yet at least) and I just can't get myself to buy a new one for just a few short months. It is definitely going in the trash once she has done but boy have all four kids loved this thing!!!
All four kids have had these huge open mouthed smiles and Charlotte's may be the biggest yet. She is seriously just so happy and I think the older she is getting the happier she gets as well. She is just all smiles for anyone that talks to her. If I step out of the room for a moment, when I walk back in and she sees me she just smiles so big that it just makes you feel like the most special thing in the world.
I realize that I am including too many of almost the same picture below (a theme throughout this post) but each one is a little different and I just love all of her facial expressions so couldn't choose just one.
At the end of January, Charlotte caught a cold (from me!) and ended up in the doctor's office over the weekend (thank goodness for Sunday hours so we avoided a trip to the ER). She was given a breathing treatment which they said didn't really help so we just continued to monitor and thankfully in a few days was better. The doctor said she was a "happy wheezer" which is a real medical term which describes babies like her who although they had a cold and are wheezing it didn't bother their disposition. She had two nights where she didn't sleep well and one evening where she was just overtired and you could tell wasn't feeling well but other than that she was her happy self. We are thankful that it didn't turn into anything worse!
She wasn't upset when doing the treatment but just wanted to try to eat it instead of keep it over her mouth so was quite the wrangling act!
To finish out her fourth month, here she is hanging out with Jen and I on a chilly Friday afternoon cul de sac playdate and loving it!
*As a sidenote, as posting these pictures I noticed that the hat that she is wearing below closely resembles many hats that were worn at the Women's March around the country on January 21st, which I realized just now! This hat was not meant to have any affiliation with the march or the views that people who marched; however, in our family Rich and I want to raise strong, independent, fierce and kind females who will stand up for themselves and who deserve equality but also to respect all lives, no matter how small.
The first five months of raising Charlotte have been such a joy and we look forward to see what the next month has in store for her.
Love you sweet baby girl.
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