The Ducote Family

Sunday, December 27, 2015

5 years old!!

Happy 5th Birthday to Joseph!! It is bittersweet thinking of how much growing up he will do this upcoming year and all that he will accomplish but we are so excited to continue to watch him grow and develop!

We had a great few days celebrating Joseph!  The day before his actual birthday we headed to Legoland and had a blast.  He rode his first rollercoaster (Ella, too!) and they loved it and we just had a really fun day.

Thanks to the Ninjago books from the library, Joseph recognized all of these characters and wanted his pictures with all of them. 
I love this picture!  Daddy and Joseph as ninjas!! 
Legoland was decorated for Christmas and had their snow village set up so it was fun to spend some time in the snow and to see the Lego Christmas decorations.  
  On Monday, his actual birthday, he celebrated with lego cupcakes at school and then that evening  Nani and the Ozecks came over for pizza and a lego cake to celebrate again.  He was SO excited opening his presents that night and just had the biggest smile on his face all day long.  It was definitely his special day!
Here is his birthday list that he wrote a few days prior to his birthday.  
Ella and Julia helped decorate the cake while Joseph was at school.  The lower right corner is a little heavy on the green sprinkles thanks to Julia!  
He was sweet and allowed everyone to help open his gifts.
This next series of pictures just make me laugh because of Julia-all of the kids are changing poses, positions, etc but Julia is just sitting there with the same stoic look on her face.  Once she gets tired, there is no having her smile.  
The Ninja Turtle sweatshirt from the Ozecks along with the Star Wars pajamas from us were big hits!  
Here are the questions that I have asked Joseph since his second birthday.

Favorite sayings-I am so impressed with Joseph's vocabulary these days.  He loves to learn new words and is always asking the meaning of things.  He watches Word Girl on PBS kids in the morning on some days and is always picking up new words from it.  Yesterday I used the words "permanent" and "exhausted" and he asked how to spell them and the definitions.  One of his favorite sayings recently is using "doubt" in a sentence.  It's so cute listening to him say, "I highly doubt that Daddy is home from his meeting yet."

Favorite food-"Strawberries"He continues to be a great eater and isn't very picky although he definitely dislikes tomatoes, soft sweet potatoes (he'll eat them if they are crispy) and spaghetti squash.  He tolerates vegetables and doesn't put up a fight to eat them but would prefer fruit (or pizza or mac and cheese or dessert!) over them!  He continues to love pb&j for lunch with an occasional grilled cheese thrown in there.  He loves it when Daddy drinks gatorade so he can steal a sip or two.  

Favorite friends-"Zach and Abby"I love that we live close to the Martin family and that our kids have a bond already.  We saw them the day before so they were on his mind!  He has become good buddies with the other boys in his class and enjoys hanging out with them on the playground after school.  It has also been really neat to see how close he has become with Sydney and Cole and he really enjoys seeing them on a regular basis but I also love seeing him with his cousins that don't live so close but when we see them they pick up from right where they left off-he definitely loves the Ducote cousins!!  He enjoys face timing with Texas friends every once in awhile still and often still talks about many of them.

Favorite color-"Green"

Favorite animal-Turtle
He's still pretty obsessed with Ninja Turtles.  He still has never watched them on tv but loves any books or any item that is Ninja turtle related.

Favorite song-"Star light star bright"
This is a random one-I was just saying the poem to Ella so I think it was stuck in his mind.

Favorite thing to do outside-"climb"
He is definitely a climber.  He has recently mastered the monkey bars and just loves playing at the playground.  He is still doing Little Rookies once a week which he really enjoys and he absolutely LOVES riding his bike (which I am really surprised that isn't what he said.)  He rides his bike almost every day and currently gets super excited to go off the curb!

Favorite drink-"water"
Favorite book-"Teenage mutant ninja turtles" I vividly remember sitting on the couch when it was just the two of us, before the girls were born, reading book after book after book and his love of books continues.  He can sit through very long stories or book after book and he has an incredible memory.  He often recites the next lines in a book before we can read it.  He is starting to get excited that "he is reading" and uses his finger to point to words and runs it across them.  I'm super excited to watch him learn to read this year!!  

Just a few other fun things about our 5 year old:
-He is definitely a rule follower!  At Legoland, they give buttons to people who are there for their birthday so I got him one and he wouldn't wear it since it wasn't his real birthday. He woke up on Monday morning, his real birthday, and immediately asked to wear his button, which he wore all day!  
-He continues to be an amazing big brother!!  He seriously has such a tender heart and is so great with the girls.  Sure, he gets frustrated at times but rarely gets really upset with them.  He and Ella have a great friendship and I love listening to them play together.  
-He has a silly side to him and loves learning new jokes and talking in silly voices.  
-We often receive compliments on what a "good boy" he is.  His coach at Little Rookies is always complimenting him on how easy he is to coach and what a good listener and learner he is.  Same thing goes for his teacher-at his parent-teacher conference she just kept saying, "he is such a good boy."  She also shared a story about him taking a boy from his class who is diagnosed with learning disabilities under his wing and really showing empathy towards him and being his friend, which just makes us really proud of as parents.   Five is such a big year with the start of kindergarten around the corner and definitely brought a few tears to my eyes the night of his birthday thinking of all of the changes this year but he is such a kind hearted, intelligent, funny boy that we know he will do great and we are excited for him.  
-Based on the information from his 5 year old well check on December 28th, he is in the 53rd percentile for weight weighing 41 pounds, 4 ounces.  He is in the 79th percentile for height measuring 3 feet, 8.5 inches.  Dr. says he is healthy and looks great which is what we are most thankful for.
Here is our handsome 5 year old ready for bed on his first night of his fifth year!  We are so excited to see what is in store for you this year, Joseph, and can't wait to watch you continue to grow.  Love you so much!

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