The Ducote Family

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Our little identifier

Happy 20 months little buddy!
Relaxing!  20 months is tough work!
Daddy has nicknamed Joseph as the little identifier since everywhere we go and everything he sees he identifies...ball, gas, girl, boy, lady, man, tree, truck, sharp, pool, flower...I could go on and on but you get the idea!  His vocabulary is pretty large-he basically will say everything we say (or at least try to!) We are just loving this age!  He turned 20 months on August 7, 2012 and is becoming more and more independent and continues to make us laugh many times throughout the day.  He is such a happy little guy and really only pushes the limits if he is extra tired.  If he does get put in time out he always comes out of it with a hug and a "I sorry".
He loves books and honestly could spend hours being read to (well maybe not hours but definitely a long time!)  He is quite the climber and jumper these days-not so much at home but when we are out playing he is all about climbing up things and then wanting to jump off.  He still LOVES the water and LOVES jumping in the water and we are still working on him waiting until one of us is ready for him and we count to three ("two, free"-normally he skips over one).  Today at swim lessons he went to the bottom of the pool to get a toy (with assistance of course) but he was so proud of himself as were we for him going under water for so long!  
He has a few phrases-"I found it","I got it", "I sorry","I uv you", "All gone/done" and one of our favorite things to hear him say is "prayers" which he almost always says before dinner and after books before bed and nap, (and often before bed or nap he'll say "more prayers" to procrastinate going to sleep so mama often gets sucked in to say them twice!)   He loves talking about his friends and says "Claire and Norah" about 100 times a day-"Nani and Poppa" are also very high on his list often followed by "ra-raz" (raspberries!) Oh and "Daddy work" or "Daddy run" are also popular these days-Rich is training for a half marathon in two weeks so that is where the run comes in!
Best buddies
Fun with finger paint
He is still showing an interest in the potty but we aren't pushing it-normally a few times a day he will say "pee" or "poop" and begin to take off his diaper and head to the bathroom.  We just go with it and he normally pees on the potty at least once a day.  This weekend he tried to poop and I had to control my laughter as the grunting was a little out of control!  Where do they learn this from?  That was definitely not from his mama!!  We have come close to pooping on the potty once but this is where it ended up...(sorry if you didn't want to see this but we want to remember it in the blog book!)  
He has finally broken the 2 hour nap barrier and most days sleeps for 2 1/2 hours-as long as he poops before his nap then he is normally good to go.  I know, gross, again, and too much poop talk, but want to remember in the future! 
We'll end on a fun note of time in the tub!  

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