The Ducote Family

Monday, June 22, 2020

And there goes January...

With going back to school on the 6th, being in Atlanta from the 9th through the 13th and then having school holidays on the 20th and 31st, the month went by in a flash!  We crammed a lot in and definitely started 2020 off with a bang.  All of the reasons are found below:

 Beginning of the year hike in our own backyard.  It is so great having these trails so close to us!

My old co-worker and friend from Hawaii contacted me saying that she was going to be in San Diego in early January so we made a date to get together for breakfast.  After a busy morning of dropping the kids off, fitting in a quick run and then dropping Charlotte off at my parent's I headed downtown to meet Carolyn for a late breakfast.  We had a wonderful time catching up-so wonderful that I almost missed picking Julia up but thankfully made it just in time!  Carolyn was always so good to me when I lived in Hawaii and she truly has the aloha spirit.  

THe girls and I were a few minutes early picking Joseph up from wrestling practice one night and I'm so glad I caught this.  The picture isn't the best but they were doing sprints from one end of the room to the other.  They had to do them 5 times back and forth.  The first time Joseph was in the middle of the pack, the second time he was closer to the front and the last three sprints he was in the top 3.  It was a good lesson for him and we talked about how to never give up and that the beginning of things doesn't always mean that is how it needs to end.  I'm glad that we caught this part of practice.

 For Christmas this year, Nani and Poppa gifted us with the experience of a dinner pirate show adventure outside of Los Angeles.  We weren't sure what to expect but it was so much fun and such a great gift!  Uncle Bruce even joined in on the fun which made it even more special.  Nani surprised us all with pirate attire when we got there so we walked into the adventure feeling ready! 


 Charlotte was not interested in wearing the fun accessories...

 until the very end when she warmed up to it!!

 We met up with some of the RBCPC crew at a winery in Escondido on Sunday, January 16th since we didn't have school the following day and it was such a nice afternoon.  Nice to catch up with the other families and the kids had a blast playing on the beautiful grounds.  

  The kids had Monday, January 17th for President's Day so we headed to the Westwood club for a few hours in the afternoon.  What we thought was just going to be a fun few hours hanging at the club before dinner, turned into quite an event to remember.  

About 30 minutes into being there, Joseph and Brandon came and found me on the playground.  Joseph had tears in his eyes and his left shoulder was lopsided and he wasn't able to move his left arm.  I had a feeling immediately that something was broken.  Ugh.  He was playing football with Brandon and Alex and was running to catch the ball and Brandon pushed him from behind and he landed on it the wrong way.  Thankfully just as it happened friends of ours had showed up at the club so I took Joseph and Charlotte with me to urgent care and left Ella and Julia at the club.  Rich showed up about 5 minutes after we checked in so he stayed with Joseph and Charlotte and I headed back to the club to get the girls.  Urgent Care wasn't very crowded so they were able to get xrays quickly which showed that he had a broken collarbone.  He was really fortunate that the break wasn't any worse because they said he would have needed surgery if it was, but they sent him home with a sling and an appointment for the following day at the pediatric orthopedist.  He was in a lot of pain those first few days but we alternated tylenol and motrin which helped, downloaded minecraft on the laptop and helped him however we could.  He was such a trooper and great patient and although was sad that it happened, he made the most of it, and never once blamed Brandon.  We are so proud of him and the way that he handled it all.  

 On Wednesday he said that he wanted to try going to school which I was hesitant about but he insisted so went with it.  He was excited to show off the sling to everyone although he didn't realize how much work it would be to be back at school so soon.  At pickup he had tears in his eyes so I knew it was too much for him.  He said that the morning was good but by lunchtime it was hurting.  I gave him some tylenol and thought he'd be ok to go to gymnastics for the girls-he seemed to be doing better but at the end of gymnastics walking down the stairs he was in a lot of pain again, to the point where I had him sit on the floor and we kind of caused a scene. The walking down the stairs must have aggravated it and he was in a lot of pain. It broke my heart to see him like this and everyone was so nice- a stranger went to pick up the girls and an employee brought him a chair and a blanket because he was shaking so bad.  They stayed with him while I ran out to get the car and pull it closer and then helped to get him in.  Sweet boy.  We came home and rested that night and he stayed home from school on Thursday, more because I think it scared him from Wedensday, but rested and by Thursday night he was feeling better.  

 Ella was really upset and worried for Joseph during all of this, especially when it first happened,  and had a tough time going to school on Tuesday morning without him.  She said she was going to miss seeing him and that she was worried that he was going to be ok.  On the way to school we realized that she forgot her library book so that made her even more upset...but, I told her that I would bring her library book to school for her and she was able to pull it together and was ok when I dropped her off.  I ended up bringing the book into her classroom and putting it on her desk and she saw me and ran after me as I was leaving.  I was worried that her teacher would be upset but she told me that her teacher said it was ok so I gave her a big hug and told her that Joseph was doing fine.  I emailed her teacher that afternoon and apologized for having Ella run out and her teacher replied that it wasn't a problem at all and that she had noticed that Ella was teary eyed all morning so pulled her outside of class and Ella told her what had happened to Joseph and that she was worried for him and sad because he gives her a hug every day at lunch so he wouldn't be able to give her a hug today.  Melt my heart!  Her teacher told her that she is good at hugs, too, so that Ella could hug her which I so appreciated.  That afternoon Ella came home with a dinosaur kit for Joseph that she earned from the reward box at school, instead of getting something for herself she picked out something for him.  She is so thoughtful and kind and I just love their bond.  

Charlotte had a tough time on the day that Joseph was home-I think she was worried about him but also missing some of the attention.  Thankfully after the morning, and a movie, she pulled it together and was much better.  

On Thursday afternoon we picked up Jeremy from school and brought him with us to get frozen yogurt-was thinking this would brighten Joseph's day since he is missing all of the things he normally takes for granted like recess, running around with friends, and even carrying his backpack!  

As soon as this all happened on Monday night Joseph was super concerned about a field trip on Friday.  He was selected as the only 3rd grade student from his school to represent Westwood at a digital media event at Rancho Bernard High school and the field trip was on Friday.  They were to go to the highschool and learn how to film and edit a movie using an iphone in the morning and then go to Balboa Park to film it.  We told him each day that he'd feel better and better but after Wednesday going to school he got really nervous about it.  I emailed the principal and teacher in charge and explained what had happened and asked if I could drive him to and from Balboa Park so he wouldn't have to take the bus and be there just in case he wasn't feeling well.  They agreed and by Friday morning he was feeling much better, too.  He had a great time at the highschool in the morning and when I picked him up at 11:30 to go to Balboa Park he was all smiles.  He had a blast at Balboa Park filming and was feeling so much better.  I was so thankful that he was able to enjoy himself and end the week on such a good note.  He actually went back to RB high on Saturday for the second day of the class and then we all met him there at 2:00 for a screening of the videos.  They were really great and we were so proud of him for being a part of this opportunity.  

Bruce David came in for the long weekend at the end of January so we all headed to Nani and Poppa's for the afternoon and dinner.  It was great to see him and the kids loved playing with him.  

 Joseph was definitely feeling better by then as he was rolling around and wrestling with Rudi.  

Somebody had my phone and I found these on them:

Ella went to the Westwood club one afternoon to celebrate her friend, Genevive's birthday.  These girls have been playing soccer together since before kindergarten.  

I took this picture of Joseph the following week at Gyminny Kids after the traumatic event the week before.  

 Last year the kids, and Uncle JP, raced in the Mardi Gras 5k at the community park and in the local monthly magazine there was an advertisement for the race and the kids were the photo for the ad!  Too funny!  

 Back to hanging with Charlotte since winter break is over and the big kids are back in school.  We miss the big kids during the day but sure do love my time with her.  

I've been training hard for the The Woodlands marathon in March-its been a nice change of pace from the gym and the classes and I am feeling stronger and faster.  This was after hill repeats on my street...I'm sure my neighbors think I'm crazy!

 Love finding all of these sweet notes from Julia-she is definitely in the writing notes stage!

 Super Nani had both girls, Finn and Rudi one day!!!  They loved it and of course had a Starbucks stop, too!

 It was dress alike day at Westwood at the end of January and Julia and her sweet TK buddies all dressed alike.  They are a great group of kids and we're so glad that Julia has had such a wonderful TK experience.  

We often hang out in in the school parking lot after the TK pickup for a bit and these girls have so much fun together!

Speaking of sweet friends...Julia's bestie from TK, Bridget, bought matching metallic sparkly rompers for both of them.  Julia was SO excited and loves it so much. It is the perfect outfit for both of their show performing personalities!

 Gotta love the random photos I find at the end of the day.  

 Ella had her 1st grade performance at the end of January which she was so looking forward to.  She was a tadpole and the play was called "Swamped" and was all about animals and the life cycle.  It was super cute and she did a great job!

 Joseph and Ella created this maze down the stairs for a ball which they worked on for quite some time and had a lot of fun building.  Love their creativity!

The last day of January was a professional growth day for the teachers so no school for the kids.  Jen, Karyn and I and a whole gang of kids decided to hike around Lake Poway.  We figured this was the least minimal contact for Joseph (although he did run a majority of the hike) and the weather was beautiful so it was a great day to be outside!  It was a little long for the girls but having Isabelle and Julia Reppas with us it made it bearable!  Plus knowing we were going for ice cream after was a good motivator!

The month flew by with the trip to Atlanta in the beginning and then all of the "excitmenet" with Joseph's collarbone but it was a great month and we are thankful for the little moments in between.

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