The Ducote Family

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

A year and a half

How, how, how can this sweet baby doll face be 18 months?? We just love those blue eyes and blonde hair with the little bit of curl to it and there really are times when she reminds me of a little baby doll, but you also can't let that sweet little face fool you, because this 4th child definitely knows what she wants and makes her voice heard in our already chaotic home!  At her 18 month well check on March 6th she weighed 25 lbs, 5 ozs (75-90th percentile) and was 32 inches long (50-75th percentile).  Her head was 48 inches (90-95th percentile).  She seems to be right on track for everything and other than her rosy cheeks, from being dry, she is healthy.   She is not one who sits quietly in the stroller AT ALL.  She wants to be on the go constantly and if she is sitting in the stroller she is normally yelling, "Nack, nack", or "Out" or kicking off her shoes, throwing toys or pulling Julia's hair.  She is feisty and has some sass to her!  She is trying constantly to keep up with her older siblings.  For example, she is already telling us when she has a poopy diaper, either by saying "poop" and then always backing up towards us (this is hilarious-every.single.time she backs up to us, guessing it is to give us the easy access to check her diaper!) or if we don't catch her soon enough she comes to us with poop on her fingers, which is just lovely.  This happens more than I care to admit but thankfully she hasn't smeared any of it on the walls or other objects, at least that we know of, so after a good scrub she's back in action!  She has also learned how to spit this past month-sometimes her food, sometimes just to say hello, but needless to say that although it can be cute at times we are trying to put an end to it.  She is also a screamer and repeater to get what she wants.  She has a good amount of words right now, although the majority aren't super complete/clear (for example, "paw paw" for popcorn or "miii" for milk) but she gets her point across and won't let it go until she is satisfied.  Speaking of talking, she  has picked up on how we refer to passing gas as piggies in our family (Ducote tradition) and now will totally call anyone out by saying "Pi Pi"!!  We about died the first time she said it and she just cracks up when she says it, too!!  Hilarious. 
She does have a great bedtime routine of reading two books, getting her water, singing Hush Little Baby and then she is out.  She is sleeping from 6:30ish to 6ish with an occasional middle of the night waking where often we'll just bring her in to bed with us and she'll snuggle up right in the middle of us like she totally belongs there.  Most days she sleeps for about 90 minutes, although she'd probably sleep longer on some of those days but that's all we have time for in between activities but she does really well on the go.  She LOVES to be outside running around and is totally confident in doing steps/stairs now and pretty much any other obstacle that comes her way.  She just learned how to jump off of the ground and is pretty proud of herself.  
She loves her brother (bra bra) and sisters (Ewwwa and Ju Ju), but also loves getting in the middle of whatever they are doing at times.  She is getting better but often times during the day I hear, "Mom, Charlotte is bugging me!!!"  Ha.  She picks on Julia the most (she's an easy target!) and has been known to pull her hair and pinch her which always causes Julia to get upset.  Charlotte is great at making up though and apologizing and will always go and say sorry "are are" and give a kiss and a hug.  She is pretty affectionate in general which is just too sweet and gives really good kisses (with sound effects) and hugs.  She gets so excited to see Na Na (as she calls Nani) and Poppa as well as the rest of the familiar family here in San Diego.  Her and Finn almost always run up to one another and give each other big hugs.  So sweet!!  
She is growing up too fast and although I miss the itty bitty snuggles it is so fun to watch her grow and become such an active member to our family.  We love you sweet baby Lar Lar!!!!

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