The Ducote Family

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

18 months-Julia Ann!

Oh, sweet Julia!  How are you 18 months already?  Closer to 2 now which is just so crazy to believe. She continues to be pretty laid back; although definitely is able to express what she wants and doesn't want and will let everyone know it!  She has thrown a few temper tantrums when trying to get her dressed for whatever reason but normally if distracted or left alone she calms down quickly.  We have put her in timeout a few times and she responds pretty well to that-she'll cry for a bit and then come out and give a hug and say sorry "orry."  She has started to protest getting into the car seat, at times, which always makes for a fun time!  She still likes her paci to sleep but doesn't need it/want it all of the time in the car anymore-sometimes you'll hear it being thrown forcibly out of her car seat hitting the window or the inside of the door.  She is talking more and more eery day although her favorite word still is "Elllllllaaaaa"  If you ask her what her name is she'll reply, "ella" and she is constantly calling "Elllllaaaa".  It is SO cute!!  Joseph is always teaching her new words and was super excited a few days ago when he taught her "lock" and she said it correctly. She loves to sing/hum "Jingle bells" still and totally sings in the car especially to "Hakuna Matata" (a family favorite at this time!)
At her 18 month appointment on March 17th, she weighed 24 pounds, 1 ounce which is in the 68th percentile and was 2 feet, 7 inches tall, which is in the 22nd percentile.  
She is becoming more of a picky eater, especially at dinner it seems, as she will often leave her protein and vegetables left untouched on her tray.  Thankfully she normally eats eggs with spinach for breakfast and I can get her to eat a veggie at lunch so at least I feel like she is getting her fill.  She has started to drink milk more often, and prefers almond milk vs. cow's milk but still isn't a huge fan of either.  She does love dessert though and if Joseph or Ella are having dessert we often have them hide it from her or she'll yell until we normally cave in or remove her from the table.  She loves her snacks and will often bring me snacks from the pantry (which she has figured out how to open the door to.)
She is sleeping great at night-from 7:00 until 6:45-7:00 in the morning and since the time change it has actually been closer to 7:30 in the mornings.  She naps one time a day for anywhere between 1 1/2-2 hours.  She loves cuddling with her pink puppy "stuffy" (as the kids are now calling stuffed animals) and every time I put her in the crib she rolls over and hugs it tightly which is so sweet.  
She is extremely active and loves to climb on everything-from the tall kitchen chairs, to the arms of the couches, to the top of any play structure that we visit.  She has jumped off an opening of the play structure at Joseph's school trying to get to the fireman pole twice-once I caught her and the other time she fell on the wood chips, but thankfully was ok.  It is about a 4 foot opening-hoping she learned her lesson but highly unlikely.  She is definitely at a tiring age at the playground but she loves it so it is worth it.  
Her favorite book is probably "Goodnight Moon" and she always points to her own socks when reading the part about goodnight socks.  There have been times this past month where she has shown an interest in using the bathroom-it normally happens right after Ella goes and she'll point to her diaper and the toilet so I take off her diaper and will put her on the toilet but then she doesn't like it.  Last week I did pull out the little potty and she has sat on that a handful of times but normally sits quickly and then stands right back up (and then repeats that about 20 times!)  She loves brushing her tooth, although normally with Ella or Joseph's toothbrush.  She always wants what they have!!!  
She is extremely snuggly and always nuzzles her head right into your neck when holding her.  She still wants to be carried a lot and will say "up up" repeatedly until given into.  It also never fails that while I am working out at home she is climbing all over me making the planks a little bit harder!  
She definitely has a twinkle in the her dark, beautiful brown eyes and she makes our days brighter every day.   
Messy photo shoot on her 18 month birthday-March 8th.
 At the park later in the day on March 8th
I told her to open her mouth and smile and this is what I got!  
 She LOVES wearing these sunglasses!!!  Thankfully the Easter Bunny is going to bring her a cuter pair more her size!
 Although, she does look pretty adorable in them!
She still has the beautiful curls in the back and the front is starting to get more full!!!  
We love you sweet Julia Ann and happy 18 months to you! 

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