The Ducote Family

Friday, November 6, 2015

Halloween 2015

Our Halloween celebration seemed to last all month long-with the kids wearing their costumes around for the first half of the month and then the week of Halloween consisting of Joseph's costume parade on Wednesday, a Halloween party at school on Friday, a party at a friend's home on Friday and then a Halloween brunch with my family on Saturday along with, of course, the regular trick or treating fun Saturday night!  We definitely have had our fill of Halloween festivities.  
I couldn't talk the kids into dressing up as a theme this year since Joseph really wanted to be Spiderman and Ella insisted on Doc McStuffins so since I let them make their own decision (figure they're only young once, right?!) Julia ended up with a hand me down cheerleader costume from Ella, but was an adorable one at that.  With that being said, I have made up my mind and next year am definitely going back as a family theme-just need to check back in a year to see if I hold myself to it!  
Here they are trying their costumes during the week of Halloween to make sure they still fit!  
Julia seems to be at the stage where she either is laughing or is stone face.  No in between with this girl. 
There's a laugh!  
I had to include the next few pictures because of Ella's face-seriously, she has the greatest facial expressions!!  It's not even that I caught her with her eyes closed-this is how she smiled for me.  
On Wednesday, Joseph's school had their Halloween costume parade where they paraded around the courtyard a few times showing off their costumes.  Ella was so excited to wear her costume, too, and I just loved watching her wave and yell "Hi Jo-fus"
Joseph, and his buddy, Colin
On Friday we headed to the library storytime all decked out in Halloween apparel.  There are a ton of pictures here but looking through the progression of them I just have to laugh at our crazy crew so am including them all.  

Back to Ella's crazy expressions...
After all of those (and probably another 20 that were deleted), I am pretty sure the next two are the best that I got and neither of them have all three of them smiling...oh well, maybe next year?!

On Friday night, we all went to one of Rich's co-workers' home for a Halloween/birthday party.  We re-lived our past from ten years ago and went as Mr. Clean and a french maid.  
Here we are from 2005
and, now, 2015!  This was a family party so the kids came with us-Joseph and Ella had a blast running around with the big kids and I chased Julia around in black heels all night so my feet were killing me the next morning.  
On Saturday morning, my parents had us, the Ozecks and Brian and Hollie up for a Halloween brunch.  I only got a picture of these two sweet girls in costume but everyone enjoyed the treats from Nani and Poppa and eating outside enjoying the beautiful day.  
So...remember how earlier I mentioned that Joseph was Spider-Man, Ella was Doc and Julia was a cheerleader?  Well, only one-third of them ended up in their actual costume for trick or treating.  After a week or so of warnings with Joseph about making good choices (specifically regarding superheroes and the way that he plays when he is pretending to be one), Joseph's Spiderman costume was taken away on the day of Halloween, due to playing too rough.  He was pretty upset all day because Rich had told him that he wasn't going to go trick or treating that night, but after a good rest for everyone, we compromised and said that he could go trick or treating but was not allowed to wear Spiderman and wouldn't be allowed to keep any of his candy.  He had to get creative and create a costume with what he have in the condo (which really isn't much!)  We suggested a snorkeler, a robot (made from a Costco box), a football or baseball player but he came up with the idea of a policeman.  The aluminum foil on his hat is his face shield and if you look closely you can see the aluminum foil handcuffs hanging from his pocket.  We were pretty impressed with his creativity and laughed as we watched he and Ella go door from to door thinking about how people probably felt sorry for the "poor kid" with the makeshift costume!  Ella wouldn't tell us why but she said that she didn't want to wear Doc anymore (we are guessing that it was due to for Joseph not wearing his costume), so she pulled a princess dress from the toy bin and went as that-in crocs, without a crown or anything but was as happy as could be! 
So here they are, our little motley crew of trick or treaters!  
We walked down the hill from our condo to a great neighborhood in 4sRanch where everything was totally decked out and it was SUPER crowded!!  We went to less than 20 homes, which was fine by us, and the kids were super happy with it-they kept commenting on how heavy there bags were and then Ella had to pee so it was a good time to head back home.  They had a great time and were really cute watching out for one another.  Julia hung out in the ergo on my back and was content people watching!
So sweet-holding hands while trick or treating!
Back at home, checking out their loot!
Daddy caved in and allowed Joseph to keep his candy, although the candy fairy came the next day anyways so he only ate 1 piece as it was.  Funny story about the candy fairy-we didn't mention her coming at all this year.  Last year, Joseph got wind of the candy fairy from a friend and Sunday morning asked if she came and luckily I had 2 matchbox cars in a drawer so exchanged the candy for the cars and he and Ella were totally happy with it. Well, this year, I really wasn't planning on bringing her back-was just thinking that I'd hide the candy and honestly that they'd forget about it (call me crazy, but, they're still at the age where I think they would have!) but Sunday morning at 5:30 when Joseph woke up (thanks to the time change), he comes into our bedroom and says, "I wonder if the candy fairy came!!"  I was not expecting that at all!! So, since I was still half asleep I made up an elaborate story about how she probably couldn't find the condo since she thinks we still live in Texas but that I'm sure if he wrote her a letter that maybe she'd come the following night. So, he spent the morning building a trap for her and writing her a note and sure enough she came when they were napping that afternoon.  
It's hard to see but the bowl of candy is below the long "rope" which is attached to a towel on the lights on the ceiling-he was hoping that the towel would fall on the candy fairy and trap her.  They woke up to the towel on the table with a small toy for both Joseph and Ella underneath.  They were pretty excited about it and figured that she was able to fly out from underneath it to escape.  Maybe next year they'll catch her!  This was quite the exciting way to end our Halloween celebrations this year.  
Happy Halloween!

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