The Ducote Family

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

15 months!

Joseph turned 15 months on Wednesday, March 7th, 2012. Happy 15 months little guy! What a fun and very busy stage this is! As I write this I am watching him on the monitor as he is running from one end of his crib to the other and every once in awhile stops and does a downward facing dog type of move in the middle. I'd say he is about ready to get up for the day! So, yes, he is pretty much running everywhere now instead of walking, has learned to climb on to the couch and our dining room chairs, and is just on the go from morning to night! The transition from 2 naps to 1 is getting better-closer to an hour and a half now instead of 50 minutes (that was a long 2 weeks!) and we are staying hopeful that it will continue to lengthen as he gets more used to it. His vocabulary seems to develop on a weekly if not daily basis. His favorites are da da, dog, duck, ball, truck, car and the absolute favorite of belly button (buh buh). My feelings are hurt a little that I don't make the favorites list but his actions show that he does love me a whole lot so that is a little comforting! He uses sign frequently and watching him sign "please" just melts my heart. We just hope that his manners are as good as they are now with the sign once he starts talking. He loves to give hugs and kisses and has mastered the kiss sound effect-watch out ladies! Oh, and he LOVES to roar! At a birthday party last weekend he received a little lion that sticks on the car window so whenever we drive anywhere he points to the lion and roars almost the entire time. We'll be sure to take it down on our next longer road trip!
Oh and the biggest milestone of all is that we have seen glimpses of a temper tantrum!! Ahhh! Not yet! Nothing full blown yet but he does this adorable thing (I say adorable now as it hasn't turned into a full blown event) where he stomps his feet really fast and yesterday as he was trying to drink the gutter water off the side of the house and I took him away he did lie down face first on the ground for about 5 seconds but then got up as if nothing has happened-so I am sure they are coming! He is full of personality so I only expect that when they do come they'll be over the top as well :) Not this sweet little boy though, right?
He did have his 15 month well baby check up, which included 2 shots. He weighs 25 lbs, 4 ozs which is in the 60th percentile and was 31 inches long...which means that he shrunk in the past 2 months!! He was pretty squirmy so the nurse couldn't get an accurate measurement so we're not exactly sure where he stands but he is growing!
Happy 15 months little buddy. We love you!

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