This past week we celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary! The traditional gift for four years is fruit and flowers...good thing we don't use this list because I would have to wait all the way until year 50 for diamonds! That is way too long! Rich did bring home flowers so I guess he fulfilled the traditional gift list but next year the gift is wood...yeah, I'd prefer diamonds!
Rich is taking a class to complete his contractor's license and was home late on our actual anniversary so we ended up celebrating the Saturday after. We had a wonderful dinner at Roy's in Ko'Olina which has been our anniversary spot for the past four years. It was a great meal-we sat outside, watched the sunset and had a really nice time. Normally we polish off at least a few pineapple martinis and glasses of Moscato to celebrate, but this year we decided to celebrate with not 1, not 2, but 3 desserts. Yeah, pregnant Lisa has no willpower! After every bite of chocolate souffle I kept saying "This is my last one" but I couldn't stop!! If you've had their chocolate souffle I am sure you understand!
Here are some pictures to celebrate the past four years. When Rich was in Afghanistan we used to always say "One Team, One Team" to help us get through the time apart...this saying was on our rehearsal dinner cake and continues to be our motto. We make a great team and our marriage is filled with laughter, happiness and love. Looking forward to MANY more fabulous years together!
Our three desserts!
2010-4 years
22 weeks pregnant
2009-3 years
2008-2 years
2007-1st year!
Our wedding day!
I think I had this smile on my face all day long!