The Ducote Family

Friday, October 7, 2011

10 for 10

Joseph turns 10 months on October 7th-we have entered the double digits and are so close to the big 1! Ahh, not sure if I am ready for that! Thought I would write ten fun things about our little guy for his ten month birthday.

1. He makes the best faces right now (as I am sure all babies do.) Sometimes he'll take his bottom two teeth and bite his upper lip with them so just the 2 teeth are sticking out-hilarious!

Couldn't get the teeth but you get the point-see here for another favorite face.

2. Our nicknames for him: Bugaboo (or Bug for short), Slim, Slim Shady (that's Rich's), Bud, Buddy and Buddy Boy.

3. He is out for the night by 7:00 and sleeps until 5ish when he wakes up, eats and then goes back to sleep until around 7:00.

4. He loves to eat and hasn't found anything that he doesn't like so far. If we eat after he does he will pull himself next to us and basically beg for our meal as well.

5. Often he will hold on to a toy (or a random household object) and carry it over his head while he is crawling, cruising and playing for a long amount of time. We refer to this as his "torch".

Last week when we were painting his torch was a piece of blue tape.

6. He is afraid of the vacuum cleaner and the blender. Thankfully he doesn't wake up so I can vacuum while he is napping (I guess thankfully :) and we are trying to warm him up to the blender but so far he still wants nothing to do with it.

7. "Da da" is his favorite thing to say and I'm not gonna lie-by the end of the day a "ma ma" would be nice every once in awhile.

8. Pointing is his latest trick and he spends most of the day with one arm in the air pointing at whatever is close by. He normally makes a noise that sounds like "hmmph" when pointing or says "da da" (again no "ma ma".)

9. He is one busy boy. Yesterday I had a big box that I brought into the house thinking he would stand next to it and practice cruising around it-he decided to climb on top of the box instead. (I really wanted to get a picture but it was a little too dangerous for me to leave him on top to get the camera-tough decision to make to forego the picture :)

10. His little laugh is just contagious and his big smile just make my heart so happy. He has brought so much happiness to our lives these past 10 months and we find ourselves cracking up constantly with him and about him every day!

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